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Monitoring water resources in the Mediterranean

The effects of climate change, population growth and economic development in the Mediterranean are posing a threat to the water supply.

2013-01-03 | EU | Pressemeldung | Nachhaltigkeit

NER300 Call Results Published

On 18 December 2012 it was announced that five advanced biofuels projects and three bioenergy projects will receive funding after the first call for proposals of the NER300 funding programme for innovative low-carbon technologies.

2013-01-03 | EU | Pressemeldung | Bioenergie

Advanced Biofuels Deployment - Investing in Europe's Future

EBTP 5th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting

The European Biofuels Technology Platform announced its 5th Stakeholder Plenary Meeting: "Advanced Biofuels Deployment - Investing in Europe's Future" to be held at the Diamant Conference Centre in Brussels on 6-7 February 2013.

2013-01-03 | EU | Veranstaltungshinweis | Biotreibstoffe

VCÖ-Feinstaubbilanz: 2012 war weniger Feinstaub in Österreichs Luft

Die Feinstaubbelastung ist im Vorjahr in Österreich zurückgegangen, dennoch wurde an jeder siebten Messstelle der Grenzwert überschritten.

2013-01-03 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

ÖBMV: Neue Broschüre – Energie aus der Region: zukunftsfähig und nachhaltig

Der Österreichische Biomasse-Verband (ÖBMV) präsentiert die neue Broschüre „Energie aus der Region: zukunftsfähig und nachhaltig“. Namhafte Branchenexperten widmen sich dort in neun Beiträgen der Rolle der Nachhaltigkeit für die heimische Land- und Forstwirtschaft und nehmen dabei Bezug auf die Energieversorgung.

2012-12-19 | Österreich | Publikation | Energieversorgung

Bioenergy in Australia - status and opportunities

Launch at the Bioenergy Australia 2012 Conference

A major bioenergy report “Bioenergy in Australia - status and opportunities” was launched at the recent Bioenergy Australia 2012 Conference. This 340 page report is a major revision of an earlier RIRDC/Bioenergy Australia report.

2012-12-19 | Australien | Publikation | Bioenergie

US DOE: Funding opportunities for pyrolysis oil processing

The Funding Opportunity Announcement (FOA) addresses “Conversion Technologies for Advanced Biofuels” and focus on understanding of basic or fundamental principles.

2012-12-19 | USA | Pressemeldung | Synthetische Treibstoffe

Workshop Nachwachsende Rohstoffe als Grundstoffe für die Industrie

Am 20. November 2012 fanden 35 ExpertInnen von industriellen Betrieben, Fachinstituten und Förderstellen zusammen, um über Maßnahmen zu diskutieren, die kurz-, mittel- und langfristig zum erhöhten Einsatz von biogenen Rohstoffen in der chemischen und kunststofferzeugenden Industrie und zur vermehrten Nutzung von Produkten aus einer solchen Industrie beitragen sollen.

2012-12-18 | Österreich | Konferenzbericht | Stoffliche Nutzung von Biomasse

Bioenergy in Africa – North-South Project finalized

The project “Bioenergy in Africa and Central America” (BIA) investigates the opportunities and risks related to the production and utilization of biofuels in East Africa and in Central America. Five European institutions (EMPA (project leader), Wageningen University, Bioenergy 2020+, Overseas Development Institute London, Round Table on Sustainable Biofuels) cooperated with seven partners from Ethiopia, Kenya, Tanzania, Mexico and Belize. The focus was laid on “Jatropha curcas” because of its promise of high yields on degraded land.

2012-12-18 | International | Projekt | Bioenergie

ForNeBiK-Fachgespräche 2013

Die ForNeBiK-Fachgespräche 2013 mit jährlicher Mitgliederversammlung finden heuer an der Fachhochschule Oberösterreich (FH OÖ) an der Fakultät für Technik und Umweltwissenschaften in Wels statt.

2012-12-18 | Österreich | Veranstaltungshinweis | Biotreibstoffe

Fachtagung Energie 2013 und 10 Jahre Bioenergiekompetenzzentrum

25.Jänner 2013, Messe Congress Graz

Am 25.Jänner veranstaltet die Landwirtschaftskammer Steiermark in Kooperation mit BIOENERGY 2020+ die Fachtagung Energie mit den Themenschwerpunkten Energiekosten am Betrieb senken und Zukunft der Biomassenutzung.

2012-12-18 | Österreich | Veranstaltungshinweis | Erneuerbare Energien

EIA releases Annual Energy Outlook 2013

The U.S. Energy Information Administration has published Annual Energy Outlook 2013 Early Release Overview.

2012-12-13 | International | Publikation | Energieversorgung

AEBIOM publishes European Bioenergy Outlook 2012

AEBIOM has published its’ Annual Statistical Report 2012 which is a comprehensive collection of data on biomass contributing to a better understanding and further successful development of bioenergy sector in Europe.

2012-12-13 | EU | Publikation | Energieversorgung

DOE study says gas exports would boost US economy

A major study commissioned by the US Energy Department (DOE) concludes that expanding natural-gas exports would be an economic win for the U.S., a finding that provides a political boost to lawmakers and companies pushing for approval of several applications.

2012-12-13 | USA | Pressemeldung | Märkte

Characterisation of Jatropha curcas seeds and oil from Mali

Biomass and Bioenergy Volume 47, December 2012, Pages 201-210

This publication deals with the characterisation of Jatropha curcas seeds and the oil obtained hereof.

2012-12-13 | International | Publikation | Rohstoffe

EPA publishes final rule for grain sorghum fuel pathways

EPA is issuing a supplemental rule associated with the Renewable Fuel Standard (RFS) program.

2012-12-13 | International | Publikation | Rohstoffe

Climate change, impacts and vulnerability in Europe 2012

EEA Report No 12/2012

This European Environment Agency (EEA) report presents information on past and projected climate change and related impacts in Europe, based on a range of indicators.

2012-12-13 | EU | Publikation | Nachhaltigkeit

Novel “Glycerol Bio-refinery process”

Leaf Energy announced a novel pre-treatment method for Cellulosic Bio-Ethanol production developed at the Queensland University of Technology.

2012-12-06 | Australien | Pressemeldung | Ethanol

EU Council calls for strong 2030 renewables framework

European energy ministers gathering in Brussels to discuss the role of renewables in the European energy market, gave a mandate to the Commission to start work on a post-2020 renewable energy policy framework. It should be developed with the assumption that substantially higher shares of renewables, increased energy efficiency and infrastructure reinforcement are key in all circumstances, ministers said.

2012-12-06 | EU | Pressemeldung | Erneuerbare Energien

Debate on high-ethanol fuel

The North American Motor Club AAA urged the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to halt sales of gasoline with higher ethanol concentrations, contending the fuel blend causes engine damage not covered under most auto warranties. EPA says that cars made in the model year 2001 and later can handle E15. But automakers say EPA is only considering the fuel's impact on emissions control systems while disregarding the impact on the rest of the vehicle.

2012-12-06 | USA | Pressemeldung | Ethanol
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