1592 Datensätze | Anzeige 541 bis 560
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Sugarcane to produce biodiesel, more sugar for ethanol

2017-04-20 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

More oilseed in EU-28

The 2017/18 oilseed output in the EU-28 could exceed last year's production, an EU Commission report indicates.

2017-04-20 | International | Pressemeldung | Pflanzenöl

UFOP welcomes vote to exclude palm oil for biofuel use

The European Parliament has approved the initiative report on the subject “Palm oil and the uprooting of rainforests”. The Parliament supports the move to exclude palm oil as a raw material for energetic use from 2020, at the same time acknowledging the sustainability of biofuels made from oil plants (rapeseed and sunflower) grown within Europe.

2017-04-20 | International | Pressemeldung | Nachhaltigkeit

Parlamentarisches Frühstück der Branchenplattform „Biokraftstoffe in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft“

Im Rahmen eines Parlamentarischen Frühstücks am 24.3.2017 in Berlin hat die Branchenplattform „Biokraftstoffe in der Land- und Forstwirtschaft“ aktuelle Positionen zum Energiesteuergesetz, zur Treibhausgas (THG)-Minderungsquote und der EU-Erneuerbaren Energien Richtlinie (RED II) diskutiert.

2017-04-20 | Deutschland | Konferenzbericht | Biotreibstoffe

US: Stop Animal Fat Tax Credits Act?

A legislation proposed by U.S. Rep. Randy Weber would put a stop to federal tax credits for biofuels produced with animal fats, according to the American Cleaning Institute (ACI).

2017-04-20 | International | Pressemeldung | Stoffliche Nutzung von Biomasse

Italy has its bioeconomy strategy!

This strategy aims to provide a vision of the economic, social and environmental opportunities and challenges associated with the implementation of an Italian bioeconomy routed on the territory.

2017-04-20 | Italien | Pressemeldung | Bioökonomie

Anstieg der österreichischen Forschungsquote 2017 auf 3,14% zu erwarten

Die österreichischen Bruttoinlandsausgaben für Forschung und experimentelle Entwicklung (F&E) werden im Jahr 2017 rund 11,33 Mrd. Euro oder 3,14 % des Bruttoinlandsprodukts (BIP) betragen, wie aus einer Schätzung von Statistik Austria hervorgeht.

2017-04-20 | Österreich | Pressemeldung | F&E

MEPs to call for clampdown on use of palm oil in Biofuels

The EU should tackle the environmental impacts of unsustainable palm oil production, such as deforestation and habitat degradation, particularly in South-East Asia, say MEPs in a resolution voted on Tuesday 4th of April.

2017-04-10 | EU | Pressemeldung | Nachhaltigkeit

National Farmers Union Supports Use of E30 in All Fuel Injected Vehicles

The US National Farmers Union called for the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) to open the market to higher blends of ethanol in a landmark resolution.

2017-04-04 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

IRENA: Eliminating Energy-Related Carbon Emissions Possible

Global energy-related carbon dioxide (CO2) emissions can be reduced by 70% by 2050 and completely phased-out by 2060 with a net positive economic outlook, according to new findings released today by the International Renewable Energy Agency (IRENA).

2017-04-04 | International | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

Wachsende Bedeutung von Wasserstoff im Energiemix

Zu dieser Einschätzung kommt die Shell Wasserstoffstudie „Energie der Zukunft? Nachhaltige Mobilität durch Brennstoffzelle und H2“, die Shell mit dem Wuppertal Institut für Klima, Umwelt, Energie erstellt hat.

2017-04-04 | International | Pressemeldung | Alternative Treibstoffe

Diamond Green Diesel to Expand Renewable Fuel Capacity

Honeywell UOP announced that the Diamond Green Diesel facility will expand its annual production capacity of renewable diesel from 10,000 barrels per day to 18,000 bpd, using Honeywell UOP’s Ecofining™ technology.

2017-04-04 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biotreibstoffe

U.S. biomass-based diesel imports - new record in 2016

U.S. imports of biomass-based diesel, which include biodiesel and renewable diesel, increased by 65 % in 2016 to reach a record level of 916 million gallons.

2017-04-04 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biodiesel

Round Robin Test for Biodiesel and Rapeseed Oil Fuel 2017

Quality assurance in a producing company always includes the analyses of intermediates and the final product.

2017-04-04 | International | Pressemeldung | Biodiesel

Canfor Pulp and Licella´s biocrude joint venture agreement

2017-04-04 | Australien | Pressemeldung | Bioraffinerie

The EU tackles growing aviation emissions

The Commission is amending the EU Emissions Trading System (ETS) making it fit for tackling COâ‚‚ emissions from aviation.

2017-04-04 | EU | Pressemeldung | Emissionen

Leichter Aufwärtstrend im Güterverkehr auf der Donau 2016: Transportaufkommen stieg um 5,5%

Auf dem österreichischen Teil der Donau wurden im Jahr 2016 nach Berechnungen von Statistik Austria 9,1 Millionen Tonnen (Mio. t) an Gütern transportiert.

2017-04-04 | International | Pressemeldung | Logistik

Welchen Beitrag kann die Bioenergie zum Klimaschutz erbringen

2017-04-04 | Deutschland | Veranstaltungshinweis | Bioenergie

Sioux City WWTP to upgrade biogas to renewable fuel

Since the plant’s original construction in 1961, anaerobic digestion (AD) technology has served as an integral component of the facility to reliably stabilize biosolids and produce biogas.

2017-04-04 | International | Pressemeldung | Biogas

Biogas-powered fuel cell in Connecticut

2017-04-04 | USA | Pressemeldung | Biogas
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