2017-11-29 | Pressemeldung | International | Emissionen

EU targets on renewables and energy: progress slowing down

The European Union (EU) and most of its Member States are on track to reach their 2020 targets on renewable energy and energy efficiency. Increases in energy consumption are slowing down progress. The share of renewables continues to grow, reaching an 16.9 % share of the EU's gross final energy consumption. The deployment of renewables since 2005 would be sufficient for achieving the target of 20 % RE by 2020. All EU countries except France, Luxembourg and the Netherlands were on track in 2016 to reach their targets by 2020. However, the trajectories for meeting the national targets get steeper towards 2020 and market barriers persist in several Member States.

In the transport sector, there has not been sufficient progress towards the 10 % target for renewables by 2020. According to preliminary estimates, the share of renewables in EU transport was 7.1 % in 2016.

The European Commission proposed a new legislation package last year to reach the EU's climate and energy objectives for 2030. The package is currently under negotiation between Member States and at the European Parliament, and is expected to be adopted in 2018.

“In 2018, Member States need to come up with ambitious national plans, to channel investments towards a decarbonised EU energy system, and to address the lack of progress in the transport sector”, said Hans Bruyninckx, EEA ( European Environment Agency) Executive Director.

Source: EEA
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